September 5, 2009

Under The Walnut Tree

Filed under: Story Collection — Tags: , , — Sheila @ 4:02 pm

A Mullah Nasruddin Story

Audio: Under the Walnut Tree

Mullah Nasruddin was resting under the shade of a tall and luscious walnut tree. As he sat daydreaming, he noticed huge pumpkins growing on delicate vines snaking across the ground. Then he looked up and squinted to see the tiny walnuts growing on the magnificent tree. “How strange mother nature is,” he thought, “to make plump pumpkins grow on spindly vines while little walnuts have their own impressive tree.”

Just then, a walnut fell from above and landed with a ‘tock’ on Mullah Nasruddin’s head. The mullah rubbed his sore head, picked up the fallen walnut, and looked high up towards the branches of the tree. Then, he looked over thankfully at the swollen pumpkins growing safely on the ground.

“Oh mother nature, you are wise!”

Roses vs Dandelions

Filed under: Story Collection — Tags: , , , — Sheila @ 3:59 pm
Audio: Roses vs Dandelions

A Mullah Nasruddin Story

A troubled man went to Mullah Nasruddin for some advice.

“Mullah, I have been trying to grow a rose garden. But all the rose bushes I plant just wither and die. The only flower that does grow are common dandelions. Weeds! They’re everywhere and I just can’t get rid of them. What can I do mullah?”

The mullah thought for a while, “Why don’t you begin your garden all over again?”

“I’ve tried that. I replanted my garden from scratch, but the blooming dandelions just keep growing back again!”

Mullah Nasruddin pondered the options, “You won’t appreciate this, but my advice would be to move house, maybe even city, to where roses will grow better.”

“Oh, no, I cant move house again, I cant afford to, besides, we just moved there. Is there nothing else we can do?”

“Well,” said the Mullah gravely, “This is really the last resort then.  I don’t see what else can be done. I’m afraid you will just have to learn to love dandelions.”

August 31, 2009

Two Questions

Filed under: Story Collection — Tags: , , , , — Sheila @ 8:13 am

A Mullah Nasruddin Story

Audio: Two Questions

There was once a wise man named Mullah Nasruddin. Because he was wise, he was popular. Popular when people had problems.

“Mullah Nasruddin, my wife is angry with me, what do I do?”

“Mullah, I have a pain in my stomach, how do I get rid of it?”

“Mullah Nasruddin, how do I solve this, how do I do that?

Mullah, Mullah, Mullah!”

There came a point where all Mullah Nasruddin wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. So he hung a sign upon his door that said

‘Two Questions for 100 silver coins.’

And it worked; no one bothered him for a week. Peace at last he thought.


Mullah Nasruddin dragged himself from his comfy daybed and answered the door. A wealthy man was standing in front of him, holding a large bag of coins in his hand.

“I have the money Mullah. But don’t you think 100 silver coins is a bit steep for only two questions?”

“I don’t think so,” replied Mullah Nasruddin, “Now, what’s your second question?”

How to Dress Appropriately

Filed under: Story Collection — Tags: , , , , — Sheila @ 7:22 am

A Mullah Nasruddin Story

Audio: How to Dress Appropriately

Once, Mullah Nasruddin, a wise and respected man, arrived at a grand dinner. When he approached the entrance, he was gruffly turned away because he was not dressed well enough. His clothes were too shabby for such a lavish ball.

The mullah went home, and picked out a shiny fur coat, and made his way back to the hall. Dressed like a king, he was lead straight through to the main table where everyone waited on him with sickly sweet politeness.

When the first course arrived, Mullah Nasruddin took a spoonful of hot soup and poured it all down his fur coat. Scoop after scoop he poured. “Eat, fur coat. Come on, eat! It is you that they wanted as a guest, not me!”

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