April 19, 2023

Introduction to Storytelling Course I & II 2023

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 2:11 pm


If you are interested in storytelling, but don’t know where to start, these workshops facilitated by Sheila Wee, are for you. In two 7-hour modules of hands-on training (over 2 consecutive Saturdays), you will gain a firm grounding in storytelling skills. You will leave with one ready to tell story and the tools and confidence to learn and tell more stories.In a warm and supportive group environment you will learn why storytelling is such a powerful form of communication; how stories can be structured to hook listener’s attention, and discover your own personal storytelling style. Through group, partner and individual exercises, you will be guided through a step-by-step method of learning to tell a story without memorising the words. You will also discover how to add details to make the story uniquely yours, and learn effective story rehearsal and performance techniques.

Introduction to Storytelling Course I

Date: Saturday 13 May 2023

Timing: 9.30am – 5.45pm

Venue: The Singapore Book Council Training Room
90 Goodman Road, Blk E #03-32, Goodman Arts Centre, (S) 439053


  1. What is storytelling?
  2. Why use storytelling?
  3. The benefits of storytelling
  4. Performance techniques
  5. The different applications of storytelling
  6. Vocal expression and vocal energy
  7. The story learning process
  8. Performance practice
  9. Reflections

Introduction to Storytelling Course I

Date: Saturday 20 May 2023

Timing: 9.30am – 5.45pm

Venue: The Singapore Book Council Training Room
90 Goodman Road, Blk E #03-32, Goodman Arts Centre, (S) 439053


  • Which types of stories work for different age groups
  • Understanding the ingredients for an effective storytelling experience
  • Being in the moment – working on being spontaneous in your storytelling
  • How to use effective story architecture in crafting your stories
  • Discovering your natural storytelling style
  • Going deeper into the story for better performance
  • Reflections

About the Facilitator – Sheila Wee

Sheila Wee is a professional storyteller, and storytelling teacher with 25 years’ experience. Because of her work to pioneer the movement to revive the use of storytelling, she has been described as a Godmother of Singapore storytelling. She co-founded Singapore’s first professional storytelling company and is a founding professional member and the past president of the Storytelling Association (Singapore). As well as running her storytelling business Storywise, Sheila is a founding director of the Federation of Asian Storytellers.

Sheila’s storytelling experience is deep and wide-ranging. She has performed for thousands of preschool, primary and secondary students, curated and performed exhibit specific performances for museums, trained tourist guides and docents to use storytelling in their tours, trained teachers and lecturers to use storytelling in their teaching and corporate, military and civil service leaders in the use of storytelling as an organisational tool.

Sheila’s highly practical workshops have garnered consistently high ratings from participants. Her Singapore clients include NHB, ECDA, MOE, WWF, Jane Goodhall Institute, Star Learners Preschool Group, National Gallery, ST Engineering – Centre for Management Development, NUS Businesss School, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy–NUS, Yale-NUS, SMU, SIT, STB, MND, NHB,HDB, Ezy-Link, and Aventis Learning Group.

Sheila’s international work as a performer and workshop leader has taken her to Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, the UK and Vietnam.

  • 20% off buddy tickets (min 2 tickets)
  • 20% off past participants of SBC Academy
  • 20% off for Storytelling Association members
  • 10% off for Kinokuniya Privilege Card members * These dicounts are only available for Introduction to Storytelling I as large discount is already built in when you attend both days.

March 16, 2019

New Format for the Introduction to Storytelling Workshop

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 7:36 pm

The Introduction to Storytelling Workshop, which I  have been running in one form another for 20 years, is going back home to the Singapore Book Council. In 1999 Kiran Shah and I ran the first Introduction to Storytelling course on behalf of the Book Council.  At that time it was a 33-hour course, but later it was shortened to a 9-hour  and then a 10-hour course.  Now it is being expanded again under the Singapore Book Council into a  comprehensive 14-hour course, of two 7-hour modules.   You can choose to take just the first day or sign up for both as a package.

The Book Council are applying for SkillsFuture funding for it. So watch this space for the funding details when they come through. Please see the links below for details of each module and to register.

Introduction to Storytelling – Module 1 – Saturday 25 May 2019   


Introduction to Storytelling – Module 2  – Saturday 1 June 2019 


If you have any questions please email  Sheila on sheila@storywise.com.sg 

Here is what some of the past participants have said about previous workshops…

“A fantastic workshop. Every second is worth a million! Thanks a lot for waking up the storyteller in me.”    

“Sheila came across as very sincere and passionate about sharing her expertise in storytelling. She not only taught us how to tell stories, but inspired us as well. The workshop was also well paced with a very relevant and well planned programme.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop! Really benefited from the session and am looking forward to using what I learnt back in school with my students. Thank you so much!”

“Sheila showed that she has deep knowledge in storytelling and she was able to give useful/practical/easy to understand  examples too.  What I liked most was that she shared with us lots of ideas, so we can choose the best which is applicable to us. My time and money were well spent.”

“Sheila is very approachable and engaging. The workshop is rather empowering too; I always thought I can’t tell stories, but now I believe I can.”   

“Would recommend it to others. A solid introduction. Inspiring.”     

“Well organised and paced. Fantastic attention to detail.”

“Sheila is an outstanding and humorous Storytelling Expert. It’s my honour to be able to learn from her. Simply Great!”




January 29, 2016

The Introduction to Storytelling Workshop- September 2016

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Storywise Events — Sheila @ 8:57 pm

NOW WITH  a 50%  fee refund for NTUC members after completion of the course.

If you are interested in storytelling, but don’t know where to start; this workshop, facilitated by Sheila Wee, is for you.  It will  give  you  a firm grounding in storytelling skills and you will  leave with one ready-to-tell story and the tools to learn and tell more stories.

In a waP1070864rm and supportive group environment you will learn why storytelling is such a powerful form of communication; how stories can be structured  to  hook listeners attention and discover your own personal storytelling style.

Through  group, partner and individual exercises,  you will be guided  through  a  step-by-step method  of learning to tell a story without memorising the words. You will also discover how to add details to make the story uniquely yours, and learn story rehearsal and performance techniques.

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The 9-hour workshop (over one weekend) is for anyone interested in learning to tell stories: whether at work or at home, to adults or children, just for fun, or as a step towards telling professionally.





Trainer:Intro 2015_3 Sheila Wee

The workshop has been running in this format since 2007 and in a previous format since 1999.   Here is what some of the past participants say about it….

“A fantastic workshop. Every second is worth a million! Thanks a lot for waking up the storyteller in me.”

“Sheila came across as very sincere and passionate about sharing her expertise in storytelling. She not only taught us how to tell stories, but inspired us as well. The workshop was also well paced with a very relevant and well planned programme.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop! Really benefited from the session and am looking forward to using what I learnt back in school with my students. Thank you so much!”

“Sheila showed that she has deep knowledge in storytelling and she was able to give useful/practical/easy to understand  examples too.  What I liked most was that she shared with us lots of ideas, so we can choose the best which is applicable to us. My time and money were well spent.”

“Sheila is very approachable and engaging. The workshop is rather empowering too; I always thought I can’t tell stories, but now I believe I can.”

“Would recommend it to others. A solid introduction. Inspiring.”

“Well organised and paced. Fantastic attention to detail.”

“Sheila is an outstanding and humorous Storytelling Expert. It’s my honour to be able to learn from her. Simply Great!”

Dates/Times:  Saturday 3 September  (10am to 5pm) & Sunday 4 September 2016 (2pm to 5pm)

Venue:  1 Irving Place, #07-13 ,The Commerze@Irving, Singapore 369546  (Less than 2 minutes walk from Tai Seng MRT). For full directions see   http://www.trainingroomcommerze.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/directions-full.jpg

Cost: S$350

(S$330 for  Storytelling Association (Singapore) Associate Members)

On completion of the workshop NTUC members who are not being sponsored by their employers, can claim back 50% of the fee through UTAP. See http://tinyurl.com/kqxvo2f

For enquiries contact Sheila Wee on:

Tel: 62583307  Email: sheila@storywise.com.sg

Download the  flyer and registration form  here: Flyer-Registration-Form_Intro-to-Storytelling-Workshop_3-4-September-2016

Or register and pay via EVENTBRITE  HERE 


April 1, 2013

MOE SPED Conference 2012

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops — Sheila @ 9:14 pm

On 2nd November I presented 2 concurrent  sessions at the MOE Special Education Conference. The sessions were a pared down version of my workshop Telling Together: Interactive Storytelling for Children with Special Needs.  The SPED Conference was  quite an event, all the special schools in Singapore were closed for the day so all  the teachers (over 1.600 of them)  could attend. Hats off to these wonderful teachers who are so hard-working, committed and enthusiastic.

The conference organisers had put in many nice thoughtful touches. One of them was to give the participants ‘compliment cards’; little cards on which they could write what they liked about a session. These were then collected up and given to the presenter at the end of the session.  I was given a pretty box stuffed full of these cards. It was a really kind gesture and one that gave me a big boost when I sat down and  went through them  a couple of days later.

Sheila Wee at SPED Conference 2012

March 4, 2013

Storytelling Training for Museum Docents at Singapore Art Museum

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 10:52 pm

In October 2012 I gave a lecture for museum docents entitled The Storied Museum: Bringing Collections to Life Through Storytelling. It was part of a 2 day training programme  for  docents from all the Singapore museums. In preparing for the lecture I got to meet some wonderful docents who are already using storytelling to great effect. I have a lot of respect for the docents who undergo rigorous training and offer their  services free of  charge.  I hope I inspired even more of them to use  to storytelling in their  guiding.

Sample Slides – The Storied Museum: Bringing Collections to Life Through Storytelling

Workshop at the Ageless Conference 2012

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 3:16 pm

As part of the Singapore International Storytelling Festival 2012 I presented a workshop called Tales that Bind: Storytelling to Bridge the Generation Gap at the Ageless Conference: Towards an Age-Friendly World. The conference  was held in Singapore on the 6th & 7th September 2012.

Just before  the conference I gave a radio interview for  the MAKING A DIFFERENCE  spot on  938LIVE. You can listen to the podcast here.

I enjoyed my workshop and  talking and listening to the other presenters. I came away very impressed by the work they were doing  to make  the world a less ageist place. Good news for those of us who are lucky enough to  be growing old.

Ageless Conference 1

March 3, 2013

Storytelling Workshops For Hong Kong Students

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops — Sheila @ 10:46 pm

In July 2012 I spent a week teaching storytelling to 2 groups of primary and secondary students in Hong Kong. This was part of the annual ‘English is Everywhere’ programme organised by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) which is the language promotion arm of the Hong Kong Bureau of Education. As in previous years I was brought in to do this work by an organisation called Shakepeare4All. (An organisation that does marvellous work in making Shakespeare come to life for young people and a lot more besides). We were working with traditonal riddle stories which I had specially written for the project. The level of English proficiency among the students was very varied, but they were all hard working and very enthusiastic. At the end of the week I was very proud of what they had achieved and I was even prouder when I heard how well they had done telling their stories to audiences at The ‘English is Everywhere’ Fun Day at the beginning of October.

May 26, 2012

Free Parent and Child Storytelling Workshop at Woodlands Regional Library Sunday 17th June 2012, 2pm to 4pm

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops — Sheila @ 1:37 pm

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