May 23, 2013

Penang International Kids Storytelling Festival (PINKS) 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sheila @ 10:31 pm

PINKS Festival Logo

On the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of November I headed up to Penang  for their  3rd International Kid’s Storytelling Festival. I  have to confess that I was pleased when I found out that this year it would be held indoors at the Penang State Library in Butterworth.  I had been  at the first festival in 2010  which was held outdoors in  the beautiful setting of Penang Municipal Park. While the setting was idyllic, the combination  of sweltering heat and thunderstorms  meant that by the end of the  day I was definitely not  looking my best.

Despite  fighting off a heavy cold I had a wonderful weekend  meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Somehow when you are telling stories, or conducting a  storytelling workshop you forget how bad you are feeling.


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