March 10, 2013

Parent and Child Storytelling Workshop at Ulu Pandan PCF Kindergarten

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sheila @ 12:43 pm

On 12 October 2013  I  conducted a parent and child  storytelling  workshop for Ulu Pandan PCF Kindergarten.  I had met some of the teachers  and the principal  during the Books Alive! Project 2012  a nine month kindergarten mentoring  project I conducted for  the MOE Preschool Unit and the National Library Board.  During the project I saw what a talented and dedicated team they had and so  I was delighted to  be asked to  do a workshop for their parents and children.

When you conduct  a workshop for both parents and children, you have to  do a  balancing act between teaching  the parents and keeping the children  stimulated and happy.  Fortunately storytelling  is a highly practical art; making it easy to capture the  attention of both  parents and children.  A good time was had by all  and the parents went away with some easy stories and story activities up their sleeves.


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