April 1, 2013

MOE SPED Conference 2012

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops — Sheila @ 9:14 pm

On 2nd November I presented 2 concurrent  sessions at the MOE Special Education Conference. The sessions were a pared down version of my workshop Telling Together: Interactive Storytelling for Children with Special Needs.  The SPED Conference was  quite an event, all the special schools in Singapore were closed for the day so all  the teachers (over 1.600 of them)  could attend. Hats off to these wonderful teachers who are so hard-working, committed and enthusiastic.

The conference organisers had put in many nice thoughtful touches. One of them was to give the participants ‘compliment cards’; little cards on which they could write what they liked about a session. These were then collected up and given to the presenter at the end of the session.  I was given a pretty box stuffed full of these cards. It was a really kind gesture and one that gave me a big boost when I sat down and  went through them  a couple of days later.

Sheila Wee at SPED Conference 2012

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