March 10, 2013

Parent and Child Storytelling Workshop at Ulu Pandan PCF Kindergarten

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sheila @ 12:43 pm

On 12 October 2013  I  conducted a parent and child  storytelling  workshop for Ulu Pandan PCF Kindergarten.  I had met some of the teachers  and the principal  during the Books Alive! Project 2012  a nine month kindergarten mentoring  project I conducted for  the MOE Preschool Unit and the National Library Board.  During the project I saw what a talented and dedicated team they had and so  I was delighted to  be asked to  do a workshop for their parents and children.

When you conduct  a workshop for both parents and children, you have to  do a  balancing act between teaching  the parents and keeping the children  stimulated and happy.  Fortunately storytelling  is a highly practical art; making it easy to capture the  attention of both  parents and children.  A good time was had by all  and the parents went away with some easy stories and story activities up their sleeves.


March 4, 2013

Storytelling Training for Museum Docents at Singapore Art Museum

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 10:52 pm

In October 2012 I gave a lecture for museum docents entitled The Storied Museum: Bringing Collections to Life Through Storytelling. It was part of a 2 day training programme  for  docents from all the Singapore museums. In preparing for the lecture I got to meet some wonderful docents who are already using storytelling to great effect. I have a lot of respect for the docents who undergo rigorous training and offer their  services free of  charge.  I hope I inspired even more of them to use  to storytelling in their  guiding.

Sample Slides – The Storied Museum: Bringing Collections to Life Through Storytelling

Workshop at the Ageless Conference 2012

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops,Uncategorized — Sheila @ 3:16 pm

As part of the Singapore International Storytelling Festival 2012 I presented a workshop called Tales that Bind: Storytelling to Bridge the Generation Gap at the Ageless Conference: Towards an Age-Friendly World. The conference  was held in Singapore on the 6th & 7th September 2012.

Just before  the conference I gave a radio interview for  the MAKING A DIFFERENCE  spot on  938LIVE. You can listen to the podcast here.

I enjoyed my workshop and  talking and listening to the other presenters. I came away very impressed by the work they were doing  to make  the world a less ageist place. Good news for those of us who are lucky enough to  be growing old.

Ageless Conference 1

March 3, 2013

Storytelling Workshops For Hong Kong Students

Filed under: Storytelling Workshops — Sheila @ 10:46 pm

In July 2012 I spent a week teaching storytelling to 2 groups of primary and secondary students in Hong Kong. This was part of the annual ‘English is Everywhere’ programme organised by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) which is the language promotion arm of the Hong Kong Bureau of Education. As in previous years I was brought in to do this work by an organisation called Shakepeare4All. (An organisation that does marvellous work in making Shakespeare come to life for young people and a lot more besides). We were working with traditonal riddle stories which I had specially written for the project. The level of English proficiency among the students was very varied, but they were all hard working and very enthusiastic. At the end of the week I was very proud of what they had achieved and I was even prouder when I heard how well they had done telling their stories to audiences at The ‘English is Everywhere’ Fun Day at the beginning of October.

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